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Meet Christie Rose, founder of Wild Rose Arts

Hi, I'm Christie!

I’m a passionate advocate for artists and their work, and I have a deep commitment to helping artists achieve their professional goals. 
I believe in creating unique experiences for my clients, and I strive to help my clients create a lasting impact on the art world. As a professional art manager, I work with a variety of artists to manage their art portfolios, help promote their work, and provide them with resources and guidance. From curatorial to advisory services, I’m here to provide invaluable support to help artists reach their full potential. If you are looking for assistance with your art career, let me help you! 

Let's be digital penpals!

Chat soon!

My personal life, professional life, the state of the world… it’s been a lot. I used to really enjoy social media, a place where you could find community. I loved sharing my work and process with my community and being able to interact with folks that I don’t get to see all of the time. Since I got my first camera when I was 10 years old, I always loved making videos, and documenting my life, and day to day. My siblings and I would make music videos and share them with our friends and family. So when video format started taking over social media, I was excited to get back into it. Over the years, it has turned into something that I am no longer interested in. I see more ads and targeted content than any of the hundreds of creators I follow.


I have been posting to my art Instagram for over 10 years now… It has been such a fun way to look back on all I have done, how much I have grown, and how art really is my whole life. Part of me is relieved to delete my account. To not feel the pressure of how often I post, to prove to anyone that I am still working, still showing, still worth the follow. But part of me is sad, that history, those silly videos, my monumental life updates, the highlights from slow studio days, they will be lost to the blackhole that is the internet's garbage can.

With all that said, I don’t want to lose my connections to my friends, followers, or art community. So if you would like to stay in touch, please subscribe to these emails, you can reply to them so we can chat. Text me, and let me know if there is another way I can keep in touch with you. We can be new-age pen pals <3

Artistic Brand Advisor: Consultation Request
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Have you purchased my workbook?

Thanks for reaching out. We will talk soon!


I  created this workbook as a starting point for artists to learn how to manage their social media without burning out.  This is the general information I give to all new clients. This workbook can be purchased for $200 by emailing me!  

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© 2024 by Christie Rose founder of Wild Rose Arts. Proudly created with

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